After recently advertising for Group Leaders to join us out in Asia, we thought it would be a great idea to highlight a few of the important traits that you’ll need to make it as a Group Leader here at Feel Free Travel…
A passion for travel 🌏
I thought we could start with the most obvious one… a PASSION for the “T” word… YES – TRAVEL! To become a Group Leader, you’ll need to leave those slippers at home, put on your best board shorts or one-piece swimsuit, and head to the beach! Sounds pretty terrible, right?! As a Group Leader, you’ll be immersed in the world of travel for as long as you can handle it. This is truly non-negotiable. If you’re not keen on leaving your hometown, then this job isn’t suitable for you!
Apply Now via the Instagram account. Slide into the DMs and show your interest!
Tonnes of energy 🥳
As a Group Leader, you’ll be the heart and soul of every group you’ll ever meet. Whether you like it or not, the group will look to you for inspiration, guidance, and life wisdom throughout the entire tour. This is your moment to shine and demonstrate to these wonderful people what an amazing person you are. As a Group Leader, you’ll be the face of what we do, and your energy should reflect that. It truly isn’t a job for the faint-hearted!
Zero life commitments 🛫
Being a Group Leader is a 24/7 lifestyle and a world apart from your typical 9-5 job. There are no fixed working hours; you’ll often find yourself being the first person awake and the last person to bed each day. This doesn’t mean you’ll be partying all night; it could be because you’ve been having deep, meaningful conversations (DMC’ing) with some incredible individuals on the tour, and before you know it, it’s 4 am! As a Group Leader, it’s challenging to have pets, partners, excessive luggage, or much of a life outside of work. But don’t worry too much; what you might lose in love, you’ll make up for in friendships… more on this in the next point 👇🏻
Group Leaders typically stay with us for at least a year. Some leaders stay for a shorter period, but most fall in love with the lifestyle and stay with us for a while. 🏝
A burning desire to make friends 🙋♀️
I’m not sure if this is statistically accurate, but I’ll say it anyway… this is perhaps the most social and outgoing job in the world! Making friends lies at the heart of this role, given the number of new people you’ll meet on a regular basis. You’ll encounter individuals from every corner of the globe—older, younger, wiser, and probably even funnier than you… but hey, that’s life! In fact, it’s one of the most remarkable aspects of this job. When I first started as a Group Leader, I had around 400 friends on Facebook, mostly from my hometown or my initial weeks on the road. Now, I believe I’m approaching the 2,000 mark, even after a couple of clearouts! Some of the friendships you forge during this job are incredibly special, and you’ll treasure them forever. 💕

Heaps of patience 😎
If you’re anything like me and detest being asked the same question 25 times in one day, this job might not be the best fit for you 😂. Honestly, in all seriousness, dealing with repetitive questions is an occupational hazard that you must be prepared for. Brace yourself for the most peculiar, fascinating, and outrageous inquiries you’ve ever come across. One of my personal favourites, which I receive constantly, is, “When is the Full Moon Party?” and my response is, “When there’s a Full Moon.” Then they go, “Ah, yes, that makes sense!” 🤯🤪🤣
Apply Now via the Instagram account. Slide into the DMs and show your interest!
Organisation skills 📅
Being two steps ahead of the group at all times is undeniably one of the most vital things I could share with you in this blog! Having a clear understanding of what’s happening from one day to the next is absolutely crucial. You’ll be expected to communicate with all our operators to ensure that every aspect of the trip runs smoothly and punctually. As a Group Leader, you’ll need to manage an expense sheet and handle straightforward paperwork. Being well-organized and methodical will definitely be advantageous in this regard!
The group will look up to you as their guiding star. It is essential to have the confidence to stand up and speak in front of the group!
An approachable nature 🙏🏼
Forcing a fake smile and pretending to offer someone a bite of your cheese and ham toastie when you have no real interest in sharing won’t cut it here. You’ll need to adopt a mindset of “being willing to do anything for anyone at any given time”… and trust me, it brings immense JOB SATISFACTION! We all know the incredible feeling that comes with doing something for another person. Well, as a group leader, you’ll constantly be doing things for others around the clock, and it’s crucial that you maintain a cheerful demeanour while doing so!

Confidence, without arrogance 😃
There really is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. As a Group Leader, it’s important that you make it your sole purpose to get involved with every person on the trip, whether they are ‘your kind of people’ or not. Having favourites and making enemies really doesn’t go down well and can leave you in very deep water with the rest of the group. Focus on being everyone’s best friend with a good heart, and you honestly cannot go wrong 😊
Our groups arrive as complete strangers and leave as best friends. This is a testament to our amazing Group Leaders 😃
Epic dance moves 🕺🏻💃🏽
This one isn’t actually a deal-breaker, to be honest—my dance moves are absolutely shocking! But the most important thing to take away from this point is: always be the first person to get on your feet and bust a move… because, in the end, whatever you do… they do!
Apply Now via the Instagram account. Slide into the DMs and show your interest!

Be able to resist temptation 👏🏼
It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself a 5/10, 6/10, or even if you have a high opinion of yourself and rate yourself as a solid 9/10. As a Group Leader, you automatically become someone who others enjoy spending time with and admire. However, it’s crucial to maintain professionalism in this role. On the other hand, we are not here to discourage forming meaningful connections. We simply ask that you remain professional and adhere to the rules while you’re working. TIA 💪🏼
Customer experience is at the forefront of what we do, we are passionate about making sure our customers have nothing less an INCREDIBLE time ✨
To be responsible & 100% trustworthy 👍🏼
As a Group Leader, you are responsible for the health and safety of your entire group. We understand that things in life don’t always go as planned, and the same applies to your role on the road as a Group Leader. You’ll be expected to think quickly and make instinctive decisions for the well-being and welfare of the group. Additionally, if things go wrong, you’ll be accountable for your actions and required to provide justifications. This job carries a significant amount of responsibility, but the sense of fulfilment that comes with it is truly remarkable. Lastly, it’s crucial that you consider yourself 100% trustworthy. Throughout the trip, you’ll be responsible for company finances, individuals’ personal information, and sometimes even the most sensitive secrets.
Ready to Apply? 👇🏼
If you are reading this blog, you are likely contemplating joining us in this paradise and pursuing what is arguably the BEST job in the world! If that’s the case, and you’re interested in joining our team and believe you have what it takes to become an awesome Group Leader, feel free to send us a direct message via 😃